About company Introduction


Water Management Development and Construction joint stock Company (VRV) is an independent private company, fully owned by Czech shareholders – physical entities. It has no connection to any production, supply or operational companies. It purely promotes the interests of its customers.


The services offered by VRV are comprehensive and can cover all the requirements of its customers. They extend from primary engineering including identifying problems to producing studies; financial, economic and socioeconomic analysis and financing projects to the statutory consultation of buildings.


Our services also include providing tender documents, skilled consultancy for selection and trade procedures including concluding contracts and carrying out the role of engineer during the building, technical supervision of the investor, related geodetic services and providing a work safety and health protection coordinator and the last final assessment and settlement of all the developer’s requirements.


VRV has extensive experience in acting as building administrator, building manager or supervisor and submitting applications for EU funding and national programme funding.


VRV also carries out the selection procedure of the water supply and sewage systems provider, adjustments of the current management agreements and meeting the financial model including consulting.


VRV has a significant design division providing a wide range of skilled project activities from studies to implementing projects and author supervision. It also deals with river basin management plans.


VRV offers broad scale consulting services, not only in water management, environment science and legal services and technically–safe supervision of the III. and IV. category water schemes.


VRV has about 170 employees, 75% of which are graduates in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrotechnics, economics, ecology, chemistry, law and land-surveying. Many of them have the certificate of the Czech Association of Authorized Civil Engineers and Technicians or another comparable certificate. VRV also has many contract workers from different fields.


VRV is one of the founder members of the Czech Water management Association, an active member of the Czech Association of Consulting Engineers, a member of SOVAK (Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech Republic), the Czech Scientifically-technical Association of Water management, the Czech Water Association and the Czech Dam Commission.

OHMS certifikace - ČSN ISO 45001 QMS certifikace - ČSN EN ISO 9001 EMS certifikace - ČSN EN ISO 14001